The project work plan comprises 4 main phases based on the type of activities to be performed according to the Gantt, covering technical implementation, project management and business innovation planning.

- Phase I – Diagnostics, Analysis and Design (WP2): includes the Identification of end-user requirements and essential key features for the definition of Synergies technical design
- Phase II – Technology Configuration and Prototyping (WP3-WP4): based on the development, configuration and integration of the technical Components for real-life operation and validation during large-scale demonstration
- Phase III – Integration, Deployment and Demonstration (WP5): devoted to the project demonstrators, from roll-out to impact assessment of the pilot operation stage
- Phase IV – Business Innovation (WP6): comprises horizontal activities namely dissemination and stakeholder engagement, exploitation planning and standardization
All these phases are supported by Project Management (WP1) and Collaboration with Sister Projects (WP7) and relevant initiatives in energy data spaces domain, towards the common definition of fundamental requirements and interoperability validation.
In project activities execution and planning, SYNERGIES adopts the following approaches:
• User-Driven Innovation Approach towards addressing emerging end-user and market needs, involving both prosumers and energy value chain stakeholders throughout all stages of the project life-cycle, as key enablers of the SYNERGIES innovation process
• Agile ICT implementation methodologies in conjunction with Continuous Validation and Verification processes to manage cross-functional and interdisciplinary teams and ensure the establishment of an effective framework that will facilitate the establishment of an inclusive pathway and collective intelligence framework towards the digital energy transition
• Living Lab that provides an excellent network for experience and knowledge exchange and integration towards user and business-driven open innovation